Professional & Community Associations
ID For Life Jewelry
Healthcare Providers and Physicians all over the world are recommending Emergency ID Jewelry, Bracelets, Necklaces and Watches for their patients.

Emergency ID Jewelry Can Save Your Life! In emergencies, you might not be able to speak for yourself, but medical ID jewelry can speak for you.
Can I be Reimbursed For Medical ID Jewelry?
Many health care insurance providers and Flexible Spending Accounts will reimburse the cost of a Medical ID. Just contact them to find out if they do reimburse. They may require a note from your doctor, which is usually not a problem.
Here are just some of the conditions that call for Medical Bracelets or Necklaces.
Drug Allergies
Food Allergies
Gastric Bypass
Heart Conditions
Insect Allergies
Kidney Failure
Stroke Patients
Diane's Designs - Come and Visit Our Store Today
7344 W Greenfield Avenue, West Allis, Wisconsin 53214 (414)774-7500
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